A Macro for Macro5 and EPOC

What it Does

If you've used my scribble macro, you might have found that you're now capturing lots of information that used to get lost, but you're having trouble getting it all organized. Most scribbles are associated with a name or project, and you can use gather to organize them. Others are totally random, so once you've dealt with them you'll just want them stashed away for safe keeping. Archive moves the entire paragraph that the cursor or selection is in to the end of the file C:\Documents\archive.doc.

Before you archive a scribble, you might want to create a reminder for yourself that it needs some action taken. My new to do macro can help with that chore.

What You Need

What You Do

Other Information

If you have comments, problems, or suggestions, please feel free to email me. I'll answer as soon as I can.

mind & body | hearth & home | old & new | computers & communications | words & ideas

Date created: August 29, 1999
Last modified: September 5, 1999
Copyright © 1999 Ron Risley webmaster